See a very compelling AVM0703 compassionate use patient story of hope and loving life in Allina Health annual report
Pa tient Story
On August 11, 2022, Patti Doran was told she had 2-3 months to live. Today,
thanks to her enrollment in a compassionate-use research trial with AVM
Biotechnology, Patti said “I am living life and I am happy.”
Patti was diagnosed in February 2022 with mixed-phenotype acute leukemia,
meaning she had malignant cells that were behaving like Acute Lymphocytic
Leukemia (ALL) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Given the mixedphenotype
diagnosis, it is difficult to treat her condition. Chemotherapy that
works well for AML may not work well for ALL and vice-versa. Patti
underwent four different lines of chemotherapy, with the hope of remission
leading to a stem-cell transplant at the University of Minnesota (U of M).
Dr. Fiona He, spoke with AVM Biotechnology, and she encouraged Patti to move forward with compassionate use
of AVM0703 since the OPAL clinical trial is intended for participants who have not responded to prior therapies. Dr.
He said, “participating in clinical trials may be the most promising option for cancer patients. Clinical trial
participation is critical to speeding the development and approval of new drugs for future patients.“
Patti received her first infusion of AVM0703, the drug provided by AVM Biotechnology in this study. AVM0703 is a
first in class small molecule treatment based off an already approved treatment. The previously approved drug is
highly purified and given in a very highly concentrated form. AVM0703 is designed to trigger the production of
healthy disease fighting cells called Natural Killer T cells which help your body destroy the cancer cells naturally.
Since starting the treatment, Patti said her quality of life has changed drastically. She is doing all the things she
used to do but does acknowledge she still has some fatigue. Today she is spending time with her four living children
and her 13 grandchildren regularly, including caring for some of the littlest grandchildren one or two days a week.
She is walking up to 30-minutes a day, something that would have been unheard of a year ago, and she is eagerly
awaiting the birth of her 14th and 15th grandchildren later this year. Patti said, “You can take me when you want,
Lord, but I’d really love to see these next two grandbabies.”
Patti said her ability to enroll in this trial is a true gift from AVM for which she is so grateful, noting that it has made
her put things in perspective. “I don’t look at yesterday and I don’t look at tomorrow. I just give thanks to the Lord
for today,” Patti said.